Life is busy for everyone in my family. We see each other in passing. We eat more meals apart than together. Vacations are our time to reconnect and experience new things together. We went to Yellowstone National Park this summer and it was amazing. Surrounded by nature, learning about the national park and history, limited to no internet and wifi. Life was very simple.

Our first stop was Mammoth Hot Springs where we hiked up the Mammoth Terraces.

At the Roosevelt Corals, we rode horses through Pleasant Valley to an Old West Dinner Cookout.

We saw the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and visited the Upper Falls, Lower Falls, and Artist Point.
In Hayden Valley we were in a bison jam.

We saw Yellowstone Lake.
We stayed at the Old Faithful Inn and saw Old Faithful erupt multiple times.

We took a fantastic Firehole Basin Adventure with Kris Kris in a historic yellow bus and saw Fire Basin Falls.

Our final hike was to the Grand Prismatic Spring.
I’m back online enjoying writing this post seeing all the pictures, smiles, and natural beauty.
Cheers, Chrissy xo